Elon Carman Pension File Abstracts

Civil War Pension file: Elon Carman, Private, Co. K, 5th Reg’t, Penna. Cav.
Abstracted and Transcribed from photocopies obtained from National Archives and Records Administration

From Declaration for Pension
(Act of Feb. 6, 1907)
State of Penna.
County of Philada.
On this 24 Day of September, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and ten (1910) personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the county and State aforesaid, Elon Carman who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 70 years of age, and a resident of Philada. county of Philada., State of Penna.; and that he is the identical person who was enrolled at Philada., Penna. under the name of Elon Carman, on the 19th day of September 1864 as a Private, in Co. K, 5th Reg’t Penna. Cavly Vols. (Full service has been stated) in the service of the United States in the Civil war and was honorably discharged at Richmond, Va., on the 19th day of May 1865.
…That his personal description was as follows: Height 5 feet 4 inches; complexion Light; color of eyes, Blue; color of hair, Brown; that his occupation was Bricklayer; that he was born on the 20 day of September, 1840 at Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania.

From form 3-389 Dept. of
the Interior, Bureau of Pensions.
Sir: Please answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below.

No. 1. Date and place of birth?
Philadelphia September 20, 1840.
The name of organizations in which you served?
Bricklayers Union No 1, Phila.
No. 2. What was your post office at enlistment?
Kensington post office
No. 3. State your wife’s full name and her maiden name.
Catherine Carman ne Horneff [second f crossed out]
Bo. 4. When, where and by whom were you married?
Philadelphia, Twenty-first day of October 1862 by Minister John Wilson.
No. 5. Is there any official or church record of your marriage?
don’t know

No. 8. Are you now living with your wife, or has there been a separation?
death, dead
No. 9. State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living or dead.
Jacob Carman born May 26, 1863 Phila. living
Joseph Elon Carman born April 6, 1872 Phila living
Carolina Carman born August 26, 1869 Phila. dead.

March 31, 1915
(signature) X Elon Carman

From Application for Reimbursement
State of Pennsylvania
County of Philadelphia
On this 13th day of Oct, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and nineteen (1919) personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, Mary J. Hoy, aged 77 years, a resident of Phila., County of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, who being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain reimbursement from the accrued pension for expenses paid (or obligation incurred) in the last sickness and burial of Elon Carman, who was a pensioner of the United States by certificate No. 1083859 on account of the service of Elon Carman in Private Co. K 5th Reg
Penna. Calvary.

6. Were any sick or death benefits paid on pensioner’s account?
Bricklayers Union #300.
[Schuyler] Post G.A.R. #30

19. What was your relation to the deceased pensioner?
20. Are you married?

24. Give the name and post-office address of each physician who attended the
pensioner during last sickness.
Howard M. [Shriner] Cumberland St. near Jasper St.

28. When did the pensioner die?
Sept. 8, 1919.
29. Where was the pensioner buried?
Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Phila. Pa.

Also appeared Anna Doyle and Rose Henry.
…We knew pensioner 21 years.

Give name of each person who rendered service as nurse, and who has made or will make a charge for such service.
Sister Mrs. Mary J. Hoy 338 E. Somerset St.
Nephew John P. Hoy 338 E. Somerset St.

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