David M. CRANER Civil War Pension File

Civil War Pension file: David M. Craner, Private, Co. D, 25th Reg’t,
NJ Vol Inf.

Abstracted and Transcribed from photocopies obtained from National Archives and Records Administration


Declaration for Original Invalid Pension
State of New Jersey, County of Cumberland
On this 8 day of Aug A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one personally appeared before me Dep Clerk of the Com. Pleas Ct. a Court of Record within and for the county aforesaid, David M. Craner aged 40 years, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical David M. Craner who was enrolled on the First day of September, 1862, in company D of the 25th regiment of N.J. commanded by Capt. E.T. Garrison and was honorably discharged at Beverly, N.J. on the 1st day of Sept, 1862; That his personal
description is as follows: Age 40 years; height Five feet 5 1/2 inches; complexion Light, hair, Blue; eyes . That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of his duty at Fairfax Seminary in the State of Virginia on or about the 1st day of Dec, 1862, he contracted deafness. I contracted deafness in right ear and neuralgia in
right eye, also disease of the kidneys.

That since leaving the service this applicant has resided in the County of Cumberland in the State of N.J., and his occupation has been that of a farmer.


Declaration for Widow’s Pension
State of New Jersey, County of Cumberland

On this 29 day of August, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, personally appeared before me, John G. Ayars, a Notary Public, within and for the County and State aforesaid, Mary Craner, aged 52 years, a resident of the City of Bridgeton, County of Cumberland, State of New Jersey, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of David M. Craner, who enlisted under the name of David M. Craner at _____________, on the First day of September A.D. 1862, in Company D, 25th Regiment- New Jersey Volunteer Infantry as a private and served at least ninety days in the late War of the Rebellion, who was honorably discharged June 20th 1863, and died August 12th
That she was married under the name of Mary Brown, to said David M. Craner, on 24th day of August 1862, by Rev J.H. Stockton, at Blackwoodtown, N.J., there being no legal barrier to said marriage and that neither she nor David M. Craner were ever married prior to that time.

That she has not remarried since the death of the said David M. Craner.

That she is without other means of support than her daily labor. That names and dates of birth of all the children now living under sixteen years of age of the soldier are as follows:
George C., born May 14, 1879
Estella T., born Oct 28, 1882
Mary B., born Dec 13, 1887


Widow’s Pension
Claimant: Mary Craner
P.O.: Bridgeton
County: Cumberland, State: NJ

Soldier: David M. Craner
Rank: Private, Co. D
Regiment: 25 NJ Vol Inf
Rate, $8 per month, commencing Aug 31, 1893, and $2 per month for each child, as follows:

George C., Born, May 14, 1879; Sixteen, May 13, 1895; commencing Aug 31, 1893
Estella T., Born, Oct 28, 1882; Sixteen, Oct 27, 1898; commencing Aug 31, 1893
Mary B., Born, Dec 13, 1887; Sixteen, Dec 12, 1903; commencing Aug 31, 1893

Enlisted: Sept 1, 1862
honorably disch’d: June 20, 1863

Died: Aug 12, 1893
Declaration filed: Aug 31, 1893

Soldier’s app’n filed: Aug 12, 1881
Clt’s marriage to soldier: Aug 24, 1862


Sept. 14, 1916
Widow’s Certificate Number 403.131

Name of soldier (or sailor): David M. Craner
Service of soldier (or sailor): Co D – 25th N.J. Vol Inf

Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D.C.

I am pensioned under the above certificate number, because of the service of the soldier (or sailor) named. I was yes his wife during the period of his service in the Civil War. (If not, write word “not” in blank space.)
I am 74 years of age, having been born Feb’y 11/1842 at Camden Co’ N.J.
I am entitled to the increase of pension provided by the first section of the Act of September 8, 1916.
(Signature) Mary Craner
(Post-office address) Vineland NJ Soldiers Home

Estella CRANER Birth (1882)

CRANER, Estella: Birth Certificate, 28 Oct 1882

Abstracted from photocopy included in Civil War Pension File for David M. Craner

State of New Jersey

Birth Return
1. Full name of Child (if any): No Name, Color: White

2. Date of Birth: Oct. 28th” 1882, Sex: Female
3. Place of Birth: Main Street, Millville, New Jersey

4. Name of Father: Dayvid Crayion
5. Maiden name of Mother: Mary Brown
6. Country of Father’s Birth: New Jersey, Age: 42, Occupation: Laborer

7. Country of Mother’s Birth: New Jersey, Age: 41
8. Number of Children in all by this Marriage: Seven. How many of them Living: Seven

9. Name and P.O. address of Medical Attendant, in his own handwriting, with date,
Susanna Dundoss, Midwife, Millville, Oct the 31st 1882.