Schuylkill County history book – Levens family

Elizabeth Levens, daughter of James Levens and Margaret McElhenny, married George W. Ebert whose family had an entry in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania: Genealogy – Family History – Biography (1916) which is available on Google books. There was quite a bit of information about the Levens family mentioned as well.

Transcription of the relevant passage:
On Dec 13, 1881, Mr. [George W.] Ebert was united in marriage to Elizabeth Levens,
daughter of James and Margaret (McElheny) Levens, of Minersville, Schuylkill county.
They have a son, James, now a druggist of Tamaqua, Pa. Mr. and Mrs Ebert are members
of the Methodist Church, of which he has been a trustee for many years. She is an ardent
worker in the church and Sunday school.
James Levens, father of Mrs. Ebert, was a native of Ireland and emigrated to America,
landing at Philadelphia, where he made his home for a time. Going to Port Richmond,
near Philadelphia, he there married Margaret McElheny, and then moved to Minersville,
and later to Centralia, Columbia county, where he died in 1884, being buried in Ashland,
which is near Centralia. He was a miner by occupation. Mrs. Levens makes her home with
George W. Ebert, her son-in-law. She has had twelve children, of whom five are deceased
(including John), the others being as follows: James, resident in Centralia; Elizabeth,
wife of George W. Ebert; Mary, wife of Joseph Lange, of Philadelphia; Alexander,
resident of Hartford, Conn.; Sophia, wife of Nicholas Conrad, of Philadelphia; Sarah,
wife of Matthew Nealy, of Gordon; and William, of Tamaqua.

Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania: Genealogy – Family History – Biography: Containing Historical Sketches of Old Families and of Representative and Prominent Citizens Past and Present. In Two Volumes. Volume II. Chicago: J.H. Beers & Company, 1916. 
Available at Google books.