CARMAN (PA) Census Abstracts 1850-1930

1850 Census: PA Phila
Penns Dist., p128
Date 25 Jul 1850

670 806 Carman, Charles R. 39 M Stone Mason PA
                  Caroline ?? F             PA
                       Eli  9 M             PA in school
                 Josephine  7 F             PA in school
                 William P. 5 M             PA in school
1860 Census: PA Phila
19th Ward, p172
Date 7 Jul 1860

1253 1374 Charles Carman 49 M Stone Mason 200 PA
                Caroline 48 F                 PA
                  Joseph 20 M                 PA
               Josephine 18 F                 PA
                 William 16 M                 PA in school
                   Sarah  8 F                 PA
         Eliza Hendricks 51 F Widow           PA
1870 Census: PA Phila
83rd Dist., p93
Date 18 Jun 1870

247 267 Carman, Charles 52 M W Bricklayer ___ 200 PA
               Caroline 50 F W                    PA
           Hoy, Michael 34 M W Boatman            IRE 
                    Father & Mother foreign born
              Josephine 27 F W                    PA
                Charles  8 M W                    PA 
                    Father foreign born In School
                Michael  5 M W                    PA 
                    Father foreign born
                   John  2 M W                    PA 
                    Father foreign born
1870 Census: PA Phila
18th Ward, 56th Dist., p454
Date 9 Jun 1870

307 335 Carman, Elon    29 M W Bricklayer       ___ 100 PA      
                 Mother foreign born
           Catherine    24 F W Keeping House            Bavaria 
                 Father & Mother foreign born
               Jacob     7 M W Attending School         PA      
                 Mother foreign born
            Caroline 10/12 F W                          PA      
                 Mother foreign born  Aug(month born)
1880 Census: PA Delaware
Lower Chichester, ED34
Date 18 Jun 1880

298 307 Carman, Elon W M 39 Head Married Bricklayer       
                  6mths unemployed PA PA PA
           Catherine W F 35 Wife Married Works in Hosiery                  
                                            Baden Baden Baden
               Jacob W M 17 Son  Single  Laborer                           
                                            PA PA Baden
              Joseph W M  8 Son  Single  At School                         
                                            PA PA Baden
1880 Census: PA Phila
ED538, p12/317
Date 8 Jun 1880

166 Tioga
89 96 Carman, Wm P. W M 36 Head    Married Bricklayer PA PA PA
          Mary Jane W F 42 Wife    Married            NY NY NY
 Huntley, Rennie E. W M 10 Stepson         At School  NY NY NY
1900 Census: PA Phila
ED351, p2
Date 1 Jun 1900

1649 Eyre Street                                               immig
26 26 Carman, Elon Head  W M Sep 1840 59 M  38     PA  PA PA           
             Bricklayer R H
         Catharine Wife  W F Jun 1845 54 M  38 3/2 Ger Ger Ger 1846 53 
          Jacob H. Son   W M May 1861 39 Wd 14     PA  PA  Ger         
         Joseph E. Son   W M Apr 1873 27 M   5     PA  PA  Ger         
        Wilhelmina GDau  W F Jan 1890 10 S         PA  PA  Ger         
             At School
         Joseph E. GSon  W M Dec 1891  8 S         PA  PA  Ger         
             At School
          Annie M. DauIL W F Jan 1876 37 M   5     PA  PA  Ger
         Catharine GDau  W F Apr 1878 22 S         PA  PA  Ger
[Annie is wife of Joseph E. Granddaughter Catharine was actually 2, 
born 1898, Annie's mom was actually born in England. BP of mom of 
Wilhelmina and GS Joseph unknown]
1910 Census: PA Phila
ED283, p10B
Date 21 Apr 1910

1823 Memphis Street
225 230 Carman Elon Head    M W 69     M 48     PA PA  PA  
               Bricklayer              W   No 0 Y Y R H
          Catharine Wife    F W 64     M 48 3/2 PA Ger Ger 
               None                             Y Y
            Elon J. GrSon   M W 18     S        PA PA  PA  
               B??? Boy/ ????? Factory W   No 0 Y Y
   MacBeth, John C. GSonIL  M W 26     M  3     PA PA  PA  
               Retail Dealer/Groceries Emp      Y Y
         Wilhelmina GrDau   F W 20     M  3 1/1 PA PA  PA  
               Saleswoman/Groceries W  No     0 Y Y
            John J. GrGrSon M W 1 9/12 S        PA PA  PA  
1910 Census: PA Phila
ED551, p13A-B
Date 20 Apr 1910

2762 Martha St.
251 244 Carman, Joseph Elon Head M W   38 M        PA PA PA 
                          Bricklayer/Building W No 17 Y Y   R H
                      Annie Wife F W   34 M 15 8/6 PA PA PA 
                          None                        Y Y
                  Catherine Dau  F W   12 S        PA PA PA 
                          None                        Y Y Y
                   Florence Dau  F W    7 S        PA PA PA 
                          None                        Y
                     Joseph Son  M W    9 S        PA PA PA 
                          None                        Y
                      Naomi Dau  F W    5 S        PA PA PA 
                      Jacob Son  M W    3 S        PA PA PA 
                     Robert Son  M W 8/12 S        PA PA PA 
1910 Census: PA Phila
ED388, p12A
Date 29 Apr 1910
Park Street
228 234 Carman, William P. Head    M W 65 M2 11     
                       PA PA PA                 None O F H
                   Mary B. Wife    F W 58 M2 11 0/0 
                       PA PA PA                 None
       Marks, Alexander A. Boarder M W 76 Wd        
          PA Switz(germ) Switz(germ) Farm Laborer General Farm W
1920 Census: PA Phila
ED1706, p4B
Date Feb 1920

3859 Coral St
82 84 Carman, Joseph Head R M W 46 M PA Eng Eng Bricklayer Houses    
                Anna Wife   F W 42 M PA PA  Eng Clothmill           
            Florence Dau    F W 16 S PA PA  PA  None
               Naomi Dau    F W 14 S PA PA  PA  Knitter Hosiery Mill  
                   Attended School
               Jacob Son    M W 12 S PA PA  PA  None                   
                   Attended School
              Robert Son    M W 10 S PA PA  PA  None                   
                   Attended School
             Anna M. Dau    F W  8 S PA PA  PA  None                   
                   Attended School
               Alice Dau    F W  6 S PA PA  PA  None
1930 Census: PA Bucks
Bristol Twp, ED9-15, p11A
Date 14 Apr 1930

Christie Ave
244 246 Carman, Joseph E. Jr. Head R 18 M W 29 M 18 PA PA PA 
                    Driver Truck 
                 Helen C.     Wife      F W 29 M 19 PA PA PA
1930 Census: PA Montgomery
Conshohocken Borough, p15A/82
9 Apr 1930

West Sixth Avenue
239  255  295  Culp, Alvin B.  Head    0  4000  M W 72  Wd PA PA PA  
              Carman, Mary B.  Sister           F W 78  Wd PA PA PA
              Culp, George D.  Son              M W 47  M  PA PA PA  

Elon CARMAN Death Certificate (1919)

CARMAN, Elon: Death Certificate 1919
Transcribed from a photocopy obtained from the Pennsylvania Division of Vital

Certificate of Death
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Health
Bureau of Vital Statistics

1. Place of Death: County of Phila., City of Phila.
No. 338 E. Somerset St., 33rd Ward

2. Full Name: Elon Carman

3. Sex: M

4. Color or Race: W

5. Widowed

6. Date of Birth: 9 20 1840

7. Age: 78 years 11 months 19 days

8. Occupation: Bricklayer

9. Birthplace: Penna

10. Name of Father: Charles Carman

11. Birthplace of Father: Penna.

12. Name of Mother: Caroline A. Brill

13. Birthplace of Mother: Penna.

14. Informant: Mary J. Hoy [sister]
Address: 338 E. Somerset St.

15. Filed: Sep 11 1919

16. Date of Death: 9 8 1919

19. Place of burial: Mt. Moriah Cem., Date: Sept. 13th, 1919

20. Undertaker: Geo. W. Barrett

Charles Carman Pension File Abstracts

Civil War Pension file: Charles R. Carman, Private, Co. A, 81st Reg’t,
Penna. Vols.

Abstracted and Transcribed from photocopies obtained from National Archives and Records Administration

Army of the United States.
Certificate of Disability for Discharge.
Private Charles Carman of Captain John Alexander Company A of the 81 Penna Regiment of United States Vols was enlisted by Capt. Schuyler of 81 Regiment of Penna Vols at Philadelphia on the 10 day of August 1861, to serve three years; he was born in Bucks Co. in the State of Pennsylvania is forty seven years of age, 5 feet 8&#189 inches high, Dark complexion, Dark eyes, Dark hair, and by occupation a Bricklayer. During the last two months said soldier has been unfit for duty for 61 days.
Station: Convalescent Camp Va
Date: May 8th 1863

I certify, that I have carefully examined the said Pr. Charles Carman of Captain Alexanders Company, and find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of over age (47 years) and dimness of vision pterygiam [?] and amanrosis [?], the[?] eye disease since enlistment.
Degree of disability one-half.
[signed by] Surgeon in Charge [can’t decipher name]
Discharged this Thirteenth day of May 1863 at Convalescent Camp Va.
[Signed by Camp Commander]
The soldier desires to be addressed at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Widow’s Claim for Pension
State of Pennsylvania
County of Philadelphia

On this 29 day of June 1880, personally appeared before me, a Dep. Proh of a Court of Record in and for the County and State aforesaid Caroline Carman a resident of Philadelphia in the County of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania aged 57 years, who being duly sworn, makes the following declaration, in order to obtain the Pension provided by the Act of Congress approved July 14, 1862. That she is the widow of Charles R. Carman who was a private in Company A commanded by _______________________ in the 81st Regiment of Pennsylvania and that she was married to said soldier on or about 14 day of September 1839, at Philadelphia in the county of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania by Rev. Father Weiland and that she knows of no record evidence of said marriage.
She further declares that said Charles R. Carman her husband, died at Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania on or about the 3rd day of December 1879 of disease contracted in the Service of the United States. She also declares that she has remained a widow ever since the death of said Charles R. Carman and that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided, or abetted, the rebellion in the United States; and hereby appoints Thomas Christy Jr. #717 Sansom Philada Penna as her lawful attorney…
My Post Office address is Somerset St. 3 doors from C St. Philada.
Caroline Carman (Signature of Claimant)

War Department,
Adjutant General’s Office,
Washington, Dec 14, 1882

Respectfully returned to the Commission of Pensions.
Charles __ Carman, a Private of Company B, 81 Regiment Pa Inf Volunteers, was enrolled in the 10 day of August, 1861, at Philadelphia Pa. for 3 yrs and is reported on Muster Roll for Sept + Oct. 1861, present.
He was transferred to Co. A. same Reg’t Nov 1 1861. On Muster Roll to June 30, 1862, present: to Oct 31 1862 (4 Mons Mus), absent, “in Hospital at Baltimore Md”: same to Feby 28, 1863: to April 30 1863, absent “a nurse at Convalescent Camp, Alexandria Va,”: to June 30 1863, absent, “discharged.” The name Charles R. Carman not borne. Regtl. Return prior to Nov. 1862 not on file.
Certificate of Disability reports him discharged at Convalescent Camp Va. May 13th 1863. W.S.B.
The records of this office furnish nothing additional. Cause for which in Hospital not stated. U.S.S. Regimental Hospital records are not on file.

Secondary Proof of Marriage
State of Penna
County of Philada

On the 21st day of May A.D. 1883, before the undersigned, a Deputy Prothy C.C.P., personally appeared Caroline Carman who, being duly sworn, deposeth as follows: I am the widow of Charles R. Carman deceased, who was a Private in Captain Alexander Company A, 81st Regiment Penna Vols; that my maiden name was Caroline Brill that I was lawfully married to said deceased at Philada, County of Philada, State of Penna by Rev Father Weiland, on or about 14th day of September 1839 that I have by said marriage the following children, whose ages and dates of birth are correctly set forth, to wit:
Elan Joseph aged 42 Years born Sept 20th 1840, Mary Josephine aged 40 Years born Nov 1st 1842, William P. aged 38 Years born May 16th 1845, Sarah Jane aged 30 years born Nov 10th 1852.
That these are the only legitimate children now living of myself and my deceased husband, and that said husband left no children by any former marriage. That I have made repeated and diligent efforts to procure a copy of the record of my marriage, but have been unable to do so, because The Records were destroyed when the Church was destroyed by fire during the Riots of 1844. That I cannot obtain the affidavit of the party who performed the marriage ceremony, because He is now deceased, that my said husband died in the 3rd day of December A.D. 1879; that I lived with deceased from the date of my marriage up to the date of his death, and that I file herewith the best evidence of my marriage that I can obtain.
Mrs. Caroline Carman (Signature of Claimant)

War Department,
Surgeon General’s Office,
Record and Pension Division,
Washington, D.C., July 20th, 1883.

I have the honor to return herewith your request for a report of hospital treatment in Claim No. 274.022, with such information as is furnished by the records filed in this Office, viz: that Charles Carman, Priv. Co. A 81st Penna Vols. was admitted to Armory Square G.H. Washington D.C. on or about Aug. 27″/62 with Debility, disposition not stated; admitted to G.H. Camden St. Baltimore Md. Sept 1″/62 with Gunshot Wound, and returned to duty Dec 12″/62. Records of the Regiment Dec 12″/62 to May 13″/63 and of Post Hosp. Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va. Dec 12″/62 to May 13″/63, furnish no information in this case. No records of the Regiment on file prior to Nov. 23″ 1862.
By order of the Surgeon General:
B.F. Pope
Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Army
To the Commissioner of Pensions.

General Affidavit
State of Penna County of Philada
In the matter of Caroline Carman widow of Charles R. Carman Co. A. 81st P.V. Claim no. 274.022
On this 8th day of June A.D. 1885; personally appeared before me a Depy Prothy CCP in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths, James R Deno aged 45 years, a resident of Philada in the County of Philada State of Penna whose Post Office address is Clementine Street, below Frankford Road and Edward Turnbull aged 67 years, a resident of Philada in the County of Philada State of Penna whose Post Office address is 2945 E Street (Kensington Phila) and who being duly sworn according to law, depose and say in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
We were well and intimately acquainted with Charles R. Carman (Deceased) having known him prior to his enlistment in the Army, he was sound and healthy and free from any disease more especially disease of kidneys at time of enlistment. We also served in same Regiment with him, he continued in good health until the Seven days fight on the Peninsula, the latter part of June 1862 when he was taken sick from exposure and hardship incident to the service of the campaign, he was sent to Hospital and did not rejoin his company after, he complaining at the time of pains around his loins and back. Our knowledge is gained James E. Deno by being a Sergeant Captain Co C. and Edward Turnbull by being a Private + Corporal Co C. 81st P.V. and present with the command at the time.
We further declare that we have no interest in said case and are not concerned with its prosecution.
James E. Deno Late Capt Co C 81 PV
Edward Turnball
(Signature of Affiants)

State of Penna County of Philada ss.
In the matter of Caroline Carman Widow of Charles R. Carman Co A. 81st Pa Vols. Claim no 274.022 on this 4th day of September 1888: personally appeared before me a Depy Prothy C.C.P. in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Edward Turnbull aged 41 years, a resident of Philada in the County of Philada State of Penna whose Post Office address is 2930 Kensington Avenue. who, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
I was well and intimately acquainted with Charles R. Carman having served in same Company and Regiment with him during the war and know from personal knowledge that while in line of duty and during the Retreat from [in f_____?] of Richmond in latter part of June 1862 (Seven days fight) the said Charles R. Carman contracted disease of Kidneys from exposure + incident to the service, he complained of violent pains in his back and loins and when we were between White Oak Swamp and Malvern Hill on June 30th 1862 he was compelled to fall out of line. I did not see him again as I was taken Prisoner of War at Malvern Hill on July 1st 1862 and when I rejoined the Company again in October 1862 I was informed that Carman had been sent to General Hospital at the time he was taken sick. He never rejoined the Company after. I was Corporal Co C 81st P.V. and present with the command at the times stated. I was also very intimate with Charles R. Carman prior to enlistment and worked with him and know that he was sound and healthy and free from Kidney or any other disease.
and affiant further declares that he has no interest in said case and is not concerned in its prosecution.
Edward Turnball
(Signature of Affliant)